Well both Yule and Christmas have passed and I still feel sick. I hate having colds but well.. who doesn't. Yule sadly passed without an event. I spent most of the day baking with my mother which was nice. Since we're living with my parents and I have to keep my spiritual practice under wraps I don't really get to celebrate. I watched some videos on YouTube about yule and thought about the lengthening of days for a little bit, but that was about it.
Christmas was a much bigger deal, I'm okay with that though. I usually see Yule as the spiritual celebration of the turn of the wheel and "Christmas" as the secular, partying, gifting, family get-together celebration (kind of like Saturnalia). I got a new Jewelry Box (which I wanted), some candy, a reed diffuser (cinnamon and nutmeg, yum!), a ceramic travel mug with a quote from Mother Teresa on it, "Peace Begins With A Smile" so very true, a travel nail kit (always useful) and an angel key chain. I'm not really into angels, but it's pretty and it's the thought that counts. We had a fabulous brunch and spent the day relaxing. All in all it was a pretty good day. I ended up falling asleep for a two hour nap, but mostly because I'm sick.
So how about everyone else. Who celebrates just Yule, just Christmas, or both? What did you do to celebrate?
On a small side note January 13th is getting closer! Has everyone checked out the Witchy Reading Challenge Tab? If you haven't check it out, and check out Pagan Culture for a button.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
For some reason we still don't have snow here, so if you're like me and wondering where the white stuff is maybe this song will be a nice little retreat to the Winter wonderland you've been waiting for.
Off of her Winter Garden Album this song is perfect for listening to early on a Yule morning before everyone else is up. Perhaps while sipping a mug of cinnamon hot chocolate and watching the return of the Oak King in the sunrise.
Blessed Be the longest night and Blessed be the return of the Sun!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Beauty Magick
My amazing husband just allowed me to frivolously spend $25 on cosmetics from E.L.F because until midnight they offer free shipping. For those of us on a budget they have an essentials line with most of the items being $1.
There's something I've kind of mentally been toying with for the past few weeks and I figured now was the perfect time to talk about it. As Witch's we try to find the divine and magickal in the mundane, well for us ladies what about our cosmetics?
![]() |
Isn't it funny how a mascara applicator is called a wand. |
Using make-up as a magickal tool can open us up to amazing opportunities. As I considered this concept I thought of the way that make-up may fade throughout the day, perhaps that could symbolize releasing our intentions into the universe. We could use it to attract anything from a mate to a better financial situation. We could use it in various self-respect/love/confidence rituals. The possibilities are endless.
You can even make your own cosmetics at home! How exciting is that, and just think of the possibilities for adding intentions and tailoring the ingredients for your magickal purposes! Here are some sites to get you started.
How to make your own makeup at home
How to make makeup
Do it yourself cosmetics
If you have an idea for a way make-up could be used for a magickal tool, or have already done this yourself leave a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Noon of the Solstice
With Yule being only 4 days away here's another song to get us all in the holiday spirit!
I absolutely adore Damh the Bard and am actually a little disappointed in myself that it took me this long to share one of his songs.
This was the first song of his I heard and since then I've been hooked on his music.
This song would actually be perfect for either the Winter or Summer Solstice but the first time I heard it was Winter time so that's always what I've associated it with.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Angry Energy
Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like everything makes you angry. Every little noise grates on your nerves and everything everyone does rubs you the wrong way. You feel the fire in your brain and nothing you do will cool it down.
Today has been one of those days for me. I woke up with this feeling of just... frustration. All I want is to be left alone in a quiet room with my thoughts. Something that's not really possible when your at home ALL day long with a three year old, by yourself.
Don't get me wrong I love my son. He means the world to me, and I'm proud to be a stay at home mom. There are just some days where I NEED to be alone. Taking that time would be easy if I could control when I needed it. If I could just pencil in like any other appointment, ah yes I think the 3rd will be a perfect day for one of my bleak moods. Russel has the day off and I can spend an hour or so by myself.
I don't necessarily dislike being in a bad mood. For me it's actually therapeutic. I feel like we get so caught up in positive energy that it gets stale. Every once in a while it's nice to just release the dams and allow the flow of negativity to wash over me. It's like a biting wind, or a crashing wave. It's startling, and abrasive and leaves you feeling out of breath and frightened, but when it's all over you feel cleansed. All of the proverbial cobwebs have been knocked down and you're ready to accept new positive energy.
I've found that the same thing is true in my marriage. If things are too pleasant for too long it begins to feel less genuine. We build up these layers of sweetness and light until we find ourselves in these artificial cocoons of generic happiness. Finally one of us loses their temper and we argue about something for hours. We fight, we cry, we yell, and then at the end we realize how silly the whole thing was. Somebody will crack a bad joke, and we'll both laugh, then we'll snuggle up next to each other, kiss, apologize, and have fantastic sex.
I don't know if this is how everyone feels or if it's just me. I'm a creature of duality and I need balance in my life. Balance to me means accepting both the good and the bad, dark and the light. Luckily I've found someone that accepts me for me and benefits as much from my quirks as I do.
I feel sorry for Adrian as he's had to put up with my less than warm and fuzzy self alone. How do I make these days more manageable? Are there any other stay at home parents with some good ideas for coping with these feelings? Whether they be mystical solutions or otherwise any and all advice is welcome.
Today has been one of those days for me. I woke up with this feeling of just... frustration. All I want is to be left alone in a quiet room with my thoughts. Something that's not really possible when your at home ALL day long with a three year old, by yourself.
Don't get me wrong I love my son. He means the world to me, and I'm proud to be a stay at home mom. There are just some days where I NEED to be alone. Taking that time would be easy if I could control when I needed it. If I could just pencil in like any other appointment, ah yes I think the 3rd will be a perfect day for one of my bleak moods. Russel has the day off and I can spend an hour or so by myself.
I don't necessarily dislike being in a bad mood. For me it's actually therapeutic. I feel like we get so caught up in positive energy that it gets stale. Every once in a while it's nice to just release the dams and allow the flow of negativity to wash over me. It's like a biting wind, or a crashing wave. It's startling, and abrasive and leaves you feeling out of breath and frightened, but when it's all over you feel cleansed. All of the proverbial cobwebs have been knocked down and you're ready to accept new positive energy.
I've found that the same thing is true in my marriage. If things are too pleasant for too long it begins to feel less genuine. We build up these layers of sweetness and light until we find ourselves in these artificial cocoons of generic happiness. Finally one of us loses their temper and we argue about something for hours. We fight, we cry, we yell, and then at the end we realize how silly the whole thing was. Somebody will crack a bad joke, and we'll both laugh, then we'll snuggle up next to each other, kiss, apologize, and have fantastic sex.
I don't know if this is how everyone feels or if it's just me. I'm a creature of duality and I need balance in my life. Balance to me means accepting both the good and the bad, dark and the light. Luckily I've found someone that accepts me for me and benefits as much from my quirks as I do.
I feel sorry for Adrian as he's had to put up with my less than warm and fuzzy self alone. How do I make these days more manageable? Are there any other stay at home parents with some good ideas for coping with these feelings? Whether they be mystical solutions or otherwise any and all advice is welcome.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Hooray for PBS

If any of you have young children who watch PBS you may have seen an adorable little show called Dinosaur Train. It's about a young T-Rex named Buddy who's adopted into the Pteranodon family. Him and his family travel the world on the Dinosaur Train to learn about different species of dinosaurs and even travel back and forth in time. It teaches children about the beauty of being different (all dinosaurs have different features) it helps you to learn about natural history and even some silly yet important issues such as everybody poops. Lets not forget that at the end of every episode Dr. Scott appears to tell everyone the facts and to help dispel any of the pretend information that was shown in the show for extra entertainment.
Today I have yet another reason to love this show and Jim Henson. The Pteranodons celebrate the Solstice! Now obviously Dinosaurs did not celebrate the holidays but it shows that the Solstice was around before man and gives children a taste for another reason for the season. Thank you Dinosaur Train and PBS.
This will possibly be my last update in the case of Ms Stephanie Turner and her son. For those of you who weren't aware young Christopher was singled out not only by his teacher but by his bus driver. He was told his faith wasn't a religion and was told not write about it during a class project that discussed the origins of Christmas. His bus driver who overheard a conversation between Christopher and his other Hispanic friends gave Christopher in school suspension and was told to no longer speak in a language that he (the driver) couldn't understand. The other children however were not spoken too. After many attempts to contact the school it would seem that she was being ignored.
Thankfully due to the enormous support from the Pagan community a task force swooped in and positioned themselves as mediators and representatives of the family. Recently a statement was released to update everyone on the progress of the situation.
Thankfully due to the enormous support from the Pagan community a task force swooped in and positioned themselves as mediators and representatives of the family. Recently a statement was released to update everyone on the progress of the situation.
Stephanie Turner appeared in the first part of Pagan Warrior Radio's Tuesday night show hosted by Selena Fox and Pamela Kelly. The show is available on i-Tunes for free download.
Statement from Bowdon Elementary School, Carroll County School District, and members of the Turner Family Support Task Force as represented by Lady Liberty League, North Georgia Solitaries, Covenant of the Goddess, Dogwood Local Council, and Circle Sanctuary:
The Turner Family, Task Force, and School District want Bowdon School to be a positive, supportive environment which fosters the emotional ...and educational growth of all students.
With education, cooperation, and open dialogue, all things are possible.
At times, a lack of life experience and/or other circumstances can make it difficult to perceive how words and actions might cause offense or upset. The parties involved acknowledge that words and deeds can be hurtful even without the intent of making them so.
In an effort to reach a positive and collaborative resolution to recent events, an alliance of the parties involved has come to pass which will set the stage for future education for school staff, students, and parents on the topic of equality and respect for all students and families in the Carroll County School System.
First, a sincere apology for recent events and misunderstandings has been given by School Administration and accepted by the family.
Second, the Bowdon Elementary School guidance Counselor will educate staff and students about honoring and accepting the differences that make us individuals.
Third, procedures have been put in place to ensure classroom activities don't alienate students. As part of this, the administration and teachers will have yearly training about the District's Code of Ethics and the responsibilities of each staff member to preserve the integrity of every students' rights.
We appreciate the hard work and open dialogue of all the parties involved to create this positive resolution. The Turner children will return to school. The Carroll County School District will continue to strive to be a place that fosters the emotional and educational growth of all students regardless of religion, race, national origin, gender or disability.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Still Left Out
In all of my bitching about mine and my family's crappy day yesterday I forgot to mention an interesting little tid-bit that I noticed at the hospital.
Every year around the holidays Mary Lane Hospital near where I live sets up a lovely little table dedicated to cultural/ spiritual diversity. It is quite nice to see that there are some who really care about equality and inclusiveness. On this table there is a plaque and display set up to recognize Hanuka with a traditional Menorah, there is a manger and plaque set up to recognize Christmas and the birth of Jesus and there is a plaque to recognize Kwanzaa that talks about the 7 principals and has some harvest symbols displayed.
Something you may have noticed is that there is no mention of the Solstice. The pagan community is growing and not only do pagans celebrate the solstice but there are many Atheists who also recognize the Solstice as the reason for the season. One would think they wouldn't want to leave such a large group of people out.
I don't like being the type of person who lets something bother them without doing anything about it, so I've decided to try and contact them and perhaps make a display myself to share and educate the community at large about our faith.
If anyone else lives in central MA and knows which display I'm talking about, CONTACT ME! I would love to make this a group effort. If anyone knows how I can contact the makers of this holiday display and/or would like to participate let me know.
This concept of getting involved is really quite scary to me. If you've read my About Me tab you probably already know I live my spiritual life mostly in the broom closet. So I've been racking my brain about a way to possibly do this anonymously. If I make any progress in this venture I'll be sure to let you know!
Every year around the holidays Mary Lane Hospital near where I live sets up a lovely little table dedicated to cultural/ spiritual diversity. It is quite nice to see that there are some who really care about equality and inclusiveness. On this table there is a plaque and display set up to recognize Hanuka with a traditional Menorah, there is a manger and plaque set up to recognize Christmas and the birth of Jesus and there is a plaque to recognize Kwanzaa that talks about the 7 principals and has some harvest symbols displayed.
Something you may have noticed is that there is no mention of the Solstice. The pagan community is growing and not only do pagans celebrate the solstice but there are many Atheists who also recognize the Solstice as the reason for the season. One would think they wouldn't want to leave such a large group of people out.
I don't like being the type of person who lets something bother them without doing anything about it, so I've decided to try and contact them and perhaps make a display myself to share and educate the community at large about our faith.
If anyone else lives in central MA and knows which display I'm talking about, CONTACT ME! I would love to make this a group effort. If anyone knows how I can contact the makers of this holiday display and/or would like to participate let me know.
This concept of getting involved is really quite scary to me. If you've read my About Me tab you probably already know I live my spiritual life mostly in the broom closet. So I've been racking my brain about a way to possibly do this anonymously. If I make any progress in this venture I'll be sure to let you know!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Crappy Day!
We got up this morning planning on going to the bank and McD's for a little breakfast (I know how unhealthy they are but damnit I'm addicted to the frappes). We ended up at the hospital for 2 hours.
About five days ago I noticed a small discolored bump on Adrian's but, I figured he must have fallen and gotten a bruise or something, nothing major. Then two days ago I noticed that it had gotten bigger and he was starting to say that it hurt. So just to get an idea of what it might be I jumped on WebMD just to do a little research with their symptom checker. Eventually what I came up with was that it was an abscess and that it's more common in people that are on regular steroid treatment (which my son is) or in people that have blood disorders (which my son has). It didn't seem too scary and they said as long as it was small it just needed a hot compress and a little time.
Well as of this morning he wouldn't even sit and after a little examination it had doubled in size. So I called the pediatrician and they had an open appointment at 11:40. Perfect! It was still early so we ran our errands grabbed some food and headed to the doctors office. We even got their ten minutes early. Unfortunately it would seem that in hospital language 11:40 really means 12:00. Fine whatever, it's no big deal, I understand. hospitals are busy places and we aren't the only family in the universe whose child needs to be seen. So I read on my Kindle (that thing is really a sanity saver).
Now normally I'm a friendly person, I smile at strangers and have no problem striking up conversations with anyone at any time. However I seem to have a large sign on my forehead that screams "BE MY FRIEND" It's probably because I'm just too polite to ignore people, but still everyone seems to be extra chatty the second I'm around, and have this innate urge to tell me EVERYTHING about themselves and their loved ones. A particularly chatty older lady told me about every electronic in her and her daughters home as soon as she noticed my little device (as if seeing it in my hand meant she had to assure me they weren't technologically behind). This was of course after asking me if it really held books. I felt like saying "no, the commercials lied to you, it's really nothing more than a fancy paperweight and I'm looking at it to continue the illusion." In reality I just nodded, I like to be polite.
Of course I had to go through the same conversation I go through with anyone who's ever even come close to a child in their lifetime. "How old is he?" "Three" "He's tiny/small/petite/a peanut." "Yup" (because as his mother I couldn't have possibly known this) "Oh, well my child/grandchild/niece/nephew/neighbor/etc.. is 2 and they're twice his size" and then I get this look like what's your answer to that of course there are the people that say "Oh well my child/grandchild/niece/nephew/neighbor/etc.. was small too." As if this somehow makes me less guilty. Did I mention I did this twice today. Both sides of the conversation, and for some reason it's always the older people that look at me as if I'm to blame for him being tiny, and the younger people that try to find an out for me by coming up with someone that they know who was small too. I know they're just trying to make conversation but it gets old.
Finally we see the doctor only to be told yes it's an abscess and he's putting him on antibiotics and it needs to be drained today. Wonderful. So over to the ER where apparently they're doing construction and some elderly lady in a pink smock keeps ushering us back and forth as if we can't read signs or notice large white pieces of fabric covering half of the office. Finally in triage they take his info, get him registered and after an uncomfortable but short visit in the waiting room (uncomfortable because we had to watch Jerry Springer with our three year old) we were in the procedure room. We waited there for about half an hour to forty-five minutes until the doctor finally came in with the nurse (who kept calling my son Aiden, and I've noticed that apparently all nurses think Adrian is a weird name because they all call him that).
My poor baby had to lay face down with a nurse and my husband holding him down (he's a fighter) while he screamed. Before they started he even tried to talk them out of it he kept saying "Doctor, I need to talk to you a minute" He's a hustler, he's three and he thinks he can talk anyone out of anything if he just says "maybe tomorrow". So he wailed as they had to slice open the abscess with a scalpel, and then spread the hole open to insert a wick. According to the doctor the abscess was big, even for an adult. I have to say that was the most pus I have EVER seen in my life. For the next two days he needs to take four baths a day and for the next ten days he needs to be on 16 ML of antibiotics. Not to mention Adrian told me with big tears streaming down his face that he was mad at me for not saving him from the doctor which just about broke my heart.
I keep reminding myself that worse things have happened to better people but man did today SUCK!
About five days ago I noticed a small discolored bump on Adrian's but, I figured he must have fallen and gotten a bruise or something, nothing major. Then two days ago I noticed that it had gotten bigger and he was starting to say that it hurt. So just to get an idea of what it might be I jumped on WebMD just to do a little research with their symptom checker. Eventually what I came up with was that it was an abscess and that it's more common in people that are on regular steroid treatment (which my son is) or in people that have blood disorders (which my son has). It didn't seem too scary and they said as long as it was small it just needed a hot compress and a little time.
Well as of this morning he wouldn't even sit and after a little examination it had doubled in size. So I called the pediatrician and they had an open appointment at 11:40. Perfect! It was still early so we ran our errands grabbed some food and headed to the doctors office. We even got their ten minutes early. Unfortunately it would seem that in hospital language 11:40 really means 12:00. Fine whatever, it's no big deal, I understand. hospitals are busy places and we aren't the only family in the universe whose child needs to be seen. So I read on my Kindle (that thing is really a sanity saver).
Now normally I'm a friendly person, I smile at strangers and have no problem striking up conversations with anyone at any time. However I seem to have a large sign on my forehead that screams "BE MY FRIEND" It's probably because I'm just too polite to ignore people, but still everyone seems to be extra chatty the second I'm around, and have this innate urge to tell me EVERYTHING about themselves and their loved ones. A particularly chatty older lady told me about every electronic in her and her daughters home as soon as she noticed my little device (as if seeing it in my hand meant she had to assure me they weren't technologically behind). This was of course after asking me if it really held books. I felt like saying "no, the commercials lied to you, it's really nothing more than a fancy paperweight and I'm looking at it to continue the illusion." In reality I just nodded, I like to be polite.
Of course I had to go through the same conversation I go through with anyone who's ever even come close to a child in their lifetime. "How old is he?" "Three" "He's tiny/small/petite/a peanut." "Yup" (because as his mother I couldn't have possibly known this) "Oh, well my child/grandchild/niece/nephew/neighbor/etc.. is 2 and they're twice his size" and then I get this look like what's your answer to that of course there are the people that say "Oh well my child/grandchild/niece/nephew/neighbor/etc.. was small too." As if this somehow makes me less guilty. Did I mention I did this twice today. Both sides of the conversation, and for some reason it's always the older people that look at me as if I'm to blame for him being tiny, and the younger people that try to find an out for me by coming up with someone that they know who was small too. I know they're just trying to make conversation but it gets old.
Finally we see the doctor only to be told yes it's an abscess and he's putting him on antibiotics and it needs to be drained today. Wonderful. So over to the ER where apparently they're doing construction and some elderly lady in a pink smock keeps ushering us back and forth as if we can't read signs or notice large white pieces of fabric covering half of the office. Finally in triage they take his info, get him registered and after an uncomfortable but short visit in the waiting room (uncomfortable because we had to watch Jerry Springer with our three year old) we were in the procedure room. We waited there for about half an hour to forty-five minutes until the doctor finally came in with the nurse (who kept calling my son Aiden, and I've noticed that apparently all nurses think Adrian is a weird name because they all call him that).
My poor baby had to lay face down with a nurse and my husband holding him down (he's a fighter) while he screamed. Before they started he even tried to talk them out of it he kept saying "Doctor, I need to talk to you a minute" He's a hustler, he's three and he thinks he can talk anyone out of anything if he just says "maybe tomorrow". So he wailed as they had to slice open the abscess with a scalpel, and then spread the hole open to insert a wick. According to the doctor the abscess was big, even for an adult. I have to say that was the most pus I have EVER seen in my life. For the next two days he needs to take four baths a day and for the next ten days he needs to be on 16 ML of antibiotics. Not to mention Adrian told me with big tears streaming down his face that he was mad at me for not saving him from the doctor which just about broke my heart.
I keep reminding myself that worse things have happened to better people but man did today SUCK!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Updates and a Pagan Charity
I totally missed the Full Moon last night and the Lunar Eclipse which will be the last one until 2014. I promised my husband he could watch the 2011 Video Game awards on Spike so unfortunately my practice went the the wayside for the night. On a positive note Skyrim won game of the year which was pretty damned impressive considering it's only been out for about a month, but really was anyone surprised? That Game is AWESOME! But I digress, I will be lighting my Full Moon candle tonight to make up for yesterday. I'm trying to add more continuity and ritual into my practice as a way to keep me connected to the Gods and Goddesses. Does anyone have any suggestions for me or for any of us really of ways they've found to add little bits of ritual into their daily lives? If so make sure to leave a comment!
In my meanderings through the web today I stumbled upon something fantastic. A page called the Pagan Assistance Fund. I really think this is something the Pagan Community needs. Charities abound for the unfortunate but lets face it, Christians seem to have the monopoly on them. It's not easy to find a secular charity organization when your in need and it's IMPOSSIBLE to find Pagan charities.
If any of you are as addicted to the wonder that is YouTube like I am you may have seen this heart wrenching video from Sam aka Witchontherocks ~>
In my meanderings through the web today I stumbled upon something fantastic. A page called the Pagan Assistance Fund. I really think this is something the Pagan Community needs. Charities abound for the unfortunate but lets face it, Christians seem to have the monopoly on them. It's not easy to find a secular charity organization when your in need and it's IMPOSSIBLE to find Pagan charities.
If any of you are as addicted to the wonder that is YouTube like I am you may have seen this heart wrenching video from Sam aka Witchontherocks ~>
A lot of times those in need let their pride get in the way of reaching out for help (I have been one of those people) It's made ten times harder when not only do you have to swallow your pride and look for assistance but you have to get it from someone or from somewhere that goes against what you believe in or makes you feel uncomfortable. A lot of times we have no choice. I have been in line at a Church funded food drive, and bless them for being there, but I actually witnessed one woman being asked to leave because they felt she was dressed inappropriately. What would they have said to someone who showed up in ritual garb because that was all they had left? We need Pagan outreach programs for moral, emotional, spiritual, and yes financial support.
They even have a Toys for Yule program! Charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army have been known to reject anything donated that pertains in any way to paganism or the occult. Things like Twilight/ Harry Potter books and movies, Ouija boards, or any other divination tools meant for kids. The things that teenagers would appreciate (minors that are often overlooked since buying for them isn't nearly as fun as buying a cute bear, or doll) can't be donated.
PLEASE look through this website. Opportunities abound for you to give back even if you don't have the monetary means. If you have something you'd like to donate or an idea for them they can be reached at info@ngsolitaries.com.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Santa Clause is Pagan Too
Santa Clause is Pagan Too: Emerald Rose
I haven't posted one of these in a while and it is long overdue. This song really has to be my FAVORITE Yule carol.
I've scoured YouTube and had very little success with Pagan music for Yule. Most of the time I find songs that are originally Christian but have the lyrics changed or altered to something more appropriate for the Solstice rather than the inaccurate birthday of Jesus.
This song isn't only festive and hilariously true, it's a great sing-along!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
A Resolution on the Horizon
Many of you over the last few days have heard of the Turner family and what poor Christopher went through. Doing a little research this morning I have discovered what is hopefully some good news.
It's heartwarming to know that so many, came together so quickly. Hopefully a lesson is learned by the school. As always, the more I know the more I will share. In the mean time please visit the Turner Family Support page on Facebook.
Turner Family Support!
Statement from NGS, CoG, DLC, LLL, Circle Sanctuary:
After concerns spread about some problems with accommodating Pagan students needs at Bowdon Elementary School (BES), there was an overwhelming show of community support for the Turner family of Carroll County in western Georgia, USA. Many local Pagans and associated organizations reached out to assist the Turners by prov...iding emotional support and offering practical advice. The Turners have been deeply touched by this out-pouring of spirit and wish to express their sincerest gratitude.
In addition, a Task Force of local and national Pagan organizations have come together to help resolve issues between the Turners and BES. The Task Force also hopes to provide the school with Pagan accommodation information and materials with the hopes of avoiding misunderstandings and other problems in the future. Represented in this group are the North Georgia Solitaries (NGS), both the local and national chapters of the Covenant of the Goddess, Circle Sanctuary and Lady Liberty League.
Currently, Carroll County Schools, led by the assistant superintendent, has expressed an active interest in resolving the current tensions and is planning to meet with Ms. Turner. The family and the Task Force are requesting that those with concerns about their situation do not directly contact the school or its employees. It is important that everyone involved have the maximum space needed to focus on resolving this conflict in a positive way. However, all concerned individuals are welcome to show their support for the Turners through the Turner Family Support Facebook fan page or through the simple use of prayers and energy toward a peaceful resolution and healing.
Please direct all media questions to pio@dogwoodlc.org.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
2012 Reading Challenge
Check out the new tab. Magaly of Pagan Culture has started a fantastic reading challenge and as I love to read I plan on participating. Check her blog, grab a button and join. As she says, Reading is SEXY!
The Fight for Freedom pt.3
So once again I'm here to update you about the situation with the Carroll County Elementary school. Someone has started a Change.org petition and I highly encourage you all to sign.
There has been some questioning into the validity of Ms. Turner's claims and I understand the position of scepticism that these questions come from. However while I do encourage doing your research I don't think it prudent for us all to sit on our hands waiting for this to make national news before we come forward with our support.
How many top news stories have you seen lately that involve a pagan being discriminated, .. go ahead I'll wait... Have you come up with anything? No? I'm sure we've all heard of stories involving a "self proclaimed Witch" who's done something despicable, or frightening. We've heard the rumors about the Astaru being white supremacists, but unless you're IN THE PAGAN COMMUNITY you never hear about us being discriminated against, or attacked. Not because it doesn't happen, oh no, but because a story about a witch being abused isn't sexy, it's not scary, the general public can't relate to it. They just want a million stories like Hansel and Gretel "the poor babies, did you know she was going to eat them, that's disgusting who gives a flying fuck that they shoved old Granny into the oven, that was just self defense".
The point I'm trying to make is that for whatever reason a long time ago News stopped being News it simply became part of the media and the media's job has always been to make those who are different look bad. Let's face it, we're different, and that's the way they want it to stay. After all, are the cool kids still cool when there's no one left who isn't.
We get discriminated against every day and in fear of being wrong or called out we all just sit back and let it happen. Well NO MORE.
I've sent Ms. Turner a letter to let her know that I support and stand behind her. I'll be sure to let you know if she responds.
There has been some questioning into the validity of Ms. Turner's claims and I understand the position of scepticism that these questions come from. However while I do encourage doing your research I don't think it prudent for us all to sit on our hands waiting for this to make national news before we come forward with our support.
How many top news stories have you seen lately that involve a pagan being discriminated, .. go ahead I'll wait... Have you come up with anything? No? I'm sure we've all heard of stories involving a "self proclaimed Witch" who's done something despicable, or frightening. We've heard the rumors about the Astaru being white supremacists, but unless you're IN THE PAGAN COMMUNITY you never hear about us being discriminated against, or attacked. Not because it doesn't happen, oh no, but because a story about a witch being abused isn't sexy, it's not scary, the general public can't relate to it. They just want a million stories like Hansel and Gretel "the poor babies, did you know she was going to eat them, that's disgusting who gives a flying fuck that they shoved old Granny into the oven, that was just self defense".
The point I'm trying to make is that for whatever reason a long time ago News stopped being News it simply became part of the media and the media's job has always been to make those who are different look bad. Let's face it, we're different, and that's the way they want it to stay. After all, are the cool kids still cool when there's no one left who isn't.
We get discriminated against every day and in fear of being wrong or called out we all just sit back and let it happen. Well NO MORE.
I've sent Ms. Turner a letter to let her know that I support and stand behind her. I'll be sure to let you know if she responds.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Fight for Freedom pt. 2
For those of you who learned yesterday of the sad case of Cristopher Turner there has been an update from his mother.
Since I posted my blog yesterday I've rounded up some other mentions from around the web that I thought I might share along with the original article in case anyone hasn't read it yet.
Children Have Rights Too!!!
Was Pagan Student Harassed by Teacher?
Unleash the Hounds! (Link Roundup)
If anyone receives any further information about this story please let us know!
I am looking into legal action if anyone knows anyone that could help me. I do not have money for legal help so am not sure what route to go. I have had many people contact me and help me understand homeschooling a little better and believe this is what my family will do. I just wanted to clarify that Mr. Goldberg was very helpful innitially. I do believe I will hear from him. My son will not be returning to Bowdon Elementary.If anyone has any information that could help her please contact her at imnsearch1@gmail.com.
Since I posted my blog yesterday I've rounded up some other mentions from around the web that I thought I might share along with the original article in case anyone hasn't read it yet.
Children Have Rights Too!!!
Was Pagan Student Harassed by Teacher?
Unleash the Hounds! (Link Roundup)
If anyone receives any further information about this story please let us know!
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Fight for Freedom
Children Have Rights Too!!!
Words can not express how sick to my stomach reading this made me feel. If you're disappointed at me not writing out the details of this article please understand that my Momma Bear side is out and baring full teeth and I can't bring myself to recount what this child had to deal with. Please read the article for yourselves however and share with as many people as you can.
I don't know what I would do if this was my child. I myself was bullied by teachers and students alike when I was in elementary school and it is something that no child should have to go through. Especially not one who's being targeted based on one of his LEGAL rights, the right of Religious Freedom. I'm sad for this boy and his mother and I'm angry that it's being allowed to continue.
Please my pagan Brothers and Sisters, stand with me. Tell these people that we will no longer take religious tyranny ( in whatever form) lying down. Email them and let them know how disgusted we are with their behavior and lack of compassion, I did.
Words can not express how sick to my stomach reading this made me feel. If you're disappointed at me not writing out the details of this article please understand that my Momma Bear side is out and baring full teeth and I can't bring myself to recount what this child had to deal with. Please read the article for yourselves however and share with as many people as you can.
I don't know what I would do if this was my child. I myself was bullied by teachers and students alike when I was in elementary school and it is something that no child should have to go through. Especially not one who's being targeted based on one of his LEGAL rights, the right of Religious Freedom. I'm sad for this boy and his mother and I'm angry that it's being allowed to continue.
Please my pagan Brothers and Sisters, stand with me. Tell these people that we will no longer take religious tyranny ( in whatever form) lying down. Email them and let them know how disgusted we are with their behavior and lack of compassion, I did.
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On her brand new kitty-bed that she is absolutely addicted to. |
After weeks of waiting and being asked to pick a different kitten we finally have our furry little addition with us. It seems kismet that we were asked to pick her because she seems absolutely perfect for us. She's gentle, laid back, and can tolerate Adrian's constant attention.
She's 12 weeks old and an absolute doll. She also definitely seems to be a night time creature, she spends most of the day sleeping and most of the night romping around. As her name means "born in the night" I think it fits her personality perfectly.
I tried discerning her what her astrological sign was but I'm not sure if she's a Virgo or a Libra. It is fascinating to note however that she was born in the Chinese year of the Cat (also known as year of the Rabbit, they are sometimes interchangeable and sometimes listed side by side).
Only time will tell what kind of familiar she will make but we will see. As of right now I'm simply a proud and beaming kitty-momma who's happy to once again have a feline companion in her life. She fills a hollow spot in our family that was anxiously awaiting her presence.
Friday, December 2, 2011
First Quarter Moon
Today has been an unbelievably fabulous day, something that always seems to coincide with First Quarter Moons. My amazingly wonderful husband bought me a Kindle Fire, which I am completely in love with. I'm an avid reader and if I bought and kept a hardcover or paperback copy of every book I ever wanted to read we would need to buy a storage unit, so a digital book is perfect for me.
Also we got to go to Whole Foods today which just happens to be my favorite grocery store ever. I got some Garnet Sweet Potatoes (EXCITED, yes I'm a weirdo, I get excited over produce), a spaghetti squash which I have never cooked before so that should be an adventure and some humongous Portobello mushrooms (nom, nom, nom). I bought some organic face wash (yay!), and then came home to make what was possible my best batch of chili yet (if you're interested in the recipe I'll be posting it on the Kitchen Witch page).
The day on the whole has left me feeling refreshed and self satisfied in a way that makes everything seem like a new beginning. I'll be lighting my candle tonight to celebrate the Maiden.
Also we got to go to Whole Foods today which just happens to be my favorite grocery store ever. I got some Garnet Sweet Potatoes (EXCITED, yes I'm a weirdo, I get excited over produce), a spaghetti squash which I have never cooked before so that should be an adventure and some humongous Portobello mushrooms (nom, nom, nom). I bought some organic face wash (yay!), and then came home to make what was possible my best batch of chili yet (if you're interested in the recipe I'll be posting it on the Kitchen Witch page).
The day on the whole has left me feeling refreshed and self satisfied in a way that makes everything seem like a new beginning. I'll be lighting my candle tonight to celebrate the Maiden.
Blessed First Quarter Moon
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Nourishing My Inner Masculine
I had a very interesting experience the other day and I thought I would share.
Over the past few months I have been trying to get healthier. I haven't been feeling good, I've felt extremely run down, and nauseous, I've been getting headaches on and off and just feeling generally not well. So I tried to eat healthier and get more exercise and I was starting to feel a lot better, then with the craziness of life and the most recent Thanksgiving, things just got really off track.
So feeling a little self defeated I decided to meditate on it. I don't get a chance to meditate very often (3 year olds take away a lot of quiet time) but when I do it is VERY intense. When I meditate I use it to commune with my inner self, my ancestors, or the Gods.
On this particular occasion I was trying to talk to the Goddess and ask her for strength and the willpower to continue on my quest for health. From somewhere deep inside, a tiny voice I didn't recognize, and wasn't expecting told me You have the Goddess, you need the God. You need the strength and virility of the Hunter.
I was completely blown away by this revelation. I've said this before and I'll probably say it a million times more, I came to paganism because of its balance. Dark and Light, Hard and Soft, Warmth and Cold, Masculine and Feminine. However the male half is something I've always taken for granted. I suppose because I'm a woman I've always looked for the male energy to come from some outer source, some being other than myself. Something I've always know but never really explored is the fact that we all have male and female energy within us, and sometimes regaining balance is as simple as accepting our counterparts.
Over the past few months I have been trying to get healthier. I haven't been feeling good, I've felt extremely run down, and nauseous, I've been getting headaches on and off and just feeling generally not well. So I tried to eat healthier and get more exercise and I was starting to feel a lot better, then with the craziness of life and the most recent Thanksgiving, things just got really off track.
So feeling a little self defeated I decided to meditate on it. I don't get a chance to meditate very often (3 year olds take away a lot of quiet time) but when I do it is VERY intense. When I meditate I use it to commune with my inner self, my ancestors, or the Gods.
On this particular occasion I was trying to talk to the Goddess and ask her for strength and the willpower to continue on my quest for health. From somewhere deep inside, a tiny voice I didn't recognize, and wasn't expecting told me You have the Goddess, you need the God. You need the strength and virility of the Hunter.
I was completely blown away by this revelation. I've said this before and I'll probably say it a million times more, I came to paganism because of its balance. Dark and Light, Hard and Soft, Warmth and Cold, Masculine and Feminine. However the male half is something I've always taken for granted. I suppose because I'm a woman I've always looked for the male energy to come from some outer source, some being other than myself. Something I've always know but never really explored is the fact that we all have male and female energy within us, and sometimes regaining balance is as simple as accepting our counterparts.
In A Witch's Book of Dreams by Karri Allrich (which was fabulous) she explores this concept of male and female counterparts and refers to a woman's male counter part as her Animus. She goes on to say
~A woman’s inner masculine soul twin that reveals himself in dreams. He may appear as a strong youth, a guide, a teacher, a lover. He delineates her inherent spiritual muscle; the courage to speak up, share ideas, initiates projects, works in the world, venturing into the realm of ideas and self-expression. As the Daimon Lover, he may show up as a mysterious guide holding a lantern in the dark passage for the dreamer to see her soul path more clearly. Through maturity, growth, and balance a woman will embrace her masculine aspect and become whole. How he appears in her dreams will be a clue as to how developed he is within her.~
What a fascinating concept that is! As I contemplated this I realized it also fits with other areas of my life. I've been having these terrible nightmares that my husband is either leaving me or cheating on me. After I learn of this (in the dreams) I always feel weak and helpless. In these dreams I always identified him as my husband but it was never actually my husband. I could never see his face, it didn't sound like him, and his personality never fit. So perhaps it was simply my Animus reaching out to me showing me how neglected he was. Showing me that I NEED him to help me be strong.
Now this isn't going to be an ideal that sits well with many feminists but it is true we all need our male or female counterpart in order to survive. Even same sex couples need to seek out sperm, or an egg and a womb if they want children. No one can go it alone.
Anyways, I just thought I would share all of these thoughts with you and maybe get you to think about your own Animus, (or Anima for the men). Is he/she nourished, cared for, accepted, and celebrated. If there is some type of imbalance in your life perhaps you can look there.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
A Great Cause!
Today in my email I got a newsletter about 2011's Operation Circle Care. It's an opportunity for those of us in the Pagan community to give back to our much overlooked Pagan Service men and women (please note I use Pagan as a blanket term) during the holiday season.
Please check out this article as it includes all of the necessary information for donating and signing up a loved one.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Happy Energy
Tonight I am full of happy energy, probably because I have had an amazing week. Tuesday I had a romantic dinner date with my husband and went to see the newest Twilight movie which was incredible. This is just a small note to the critics who had nothing but bad to say about the movie, such as it was slow or "romanticized beating woman in the bedroom" (insanely ridiculous comment). Just maybe you would have a different opinion if you had bothered to read the books, just saying. Of course your not going to like a movie near the end of a series that is based off of a book if you never read the book and are purely watching the movie just to give your opinion.
Thursday of course was Thanksgiving. We had a fantastic feast and had some much needed family time, then we took our little one to see the Muppets which totally reawakened the kid in me. It was sweet, and funny, and smart. It made me and my husband harbor a little bit of hope that maybe they would bring back the Muppets Tonight show.
Tonight of course is the New Moon, so I took the time to inscribe the candles I recently purchased while listening to Luna by Omnia, which is a beautiful song, perfect for meditating or simply relaxing. I'll try and post some pictures of the inscribed candles tomorrow. In the mean time, have a blessed New Moon, pamper your self a little and over all...
Thursday of course was Thanksgiving. We had a fantastic feast and had some much needed family time, then we took our little one to see the Muppets which totally reawakened the kid in me. It was sweet, and funny, and smart. It made me and my husband harbor a little bit of hope that maybe they would bring back the Muppets Tonight show.
Tonight of course is the New Moon, so I took the time to inscribe the candles I recently purchased while listening to Luna by Omnia, which is a beautiful song, perfect for meditating or simply relaxing. I'll try and post some pictures of the inscribed candles tomorrow. In the mean time, have a blessed New Moon, pamper your self a little and over all...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Quick Note
You might notice that the You Won't Find This Here tab is missing, the information is still there. I've just decided to expand it into a much more informative About Me tab. Check it out for a little bit about my background and what I practice, and also for my contact info.
Blessed Be!
The Young Witches of Salem ?
Admittedly I was never a huge fan of the show, I thought it was a little cheesy, the production quality was poor, and about 90% of the cast were confusing to watch or immature. However that being said, where did it go? For two weeks now I have been waiting for episode 3 to come out, I really wanted this to be a good show, I did, and I hoped with time it would improve and get better.
With the mountains of Christian propaganda around and the limited to nil amount of entertainment and educational resources starring Pagans (sorry Sabrina, and Charmed don't count) it would be nice to see real Witches. Especially for someone who feels drawn to the practice but has been told their whole life that it's just a Satanic cult.
There's a part of me that's hoping their holding out because they're working hard on improving the quality of show, but if that's true some type of message from them would be nice, like Sorry for the wait but we're working behind the scenes to provide you with a better viewing experience. Or Due to negative feedback we're drawing back a little to recollect and figure out a better direction for this show. That shows commitment and maturity and dedication, and if they planned on canceling, even if the viewership was low, tell the viewers you do have what's going on, they deserve that much.
I'll keep looking and waiting to see what happens but I'm very disappointed in what I'm seeing so far.
With the mountains of Christian propaganda around and the limited to nil amount of entertainment and educational resources starring Pagans (sorry Sabrina, and Charmed don't count) it would be nice to see real Witches. Especially for someone who feels drawn to the practice but has been told their whole life that it's just a Satanic cult.
There's a part of me that's hoping their holding out because they're working hard on improving the quality of show, but if that's true some type of message from them would be nice, like Sorry for the wait but we're working behind the scenes to provide you with a better viewing experience. Or Due to negative feedback we're drawing back a little to recollect and figure out a better direction for this show. That shows commitment and maturity and dedication, and if they planned on canceling, even if the viewership was low, tell the viewers you do have what's going on, they deserve that much.
I'll keep looking and waiting to see what happens but I'm very disappointed in what I'm seeing so far.
Saturday Shopping
Very soon we will be adding a new addition to our little family, an adorable little kitten. Hopefully if all goes as planned we will be picking him up next weekend so yesterday we went out shopping for some much needed supplies. While we were out I just had to stop by my favorite nearby witchy shop, Some Enchanted Evening. If there is anyone reading who is in the area I highly recommend you check it out. The atmosphere is always warm and inviting, the staff is pleasant and helpful and they carry just about anything you might be looking for. The woman behind the counter yesterday was extremely warm and friendly. She helped me search the shelves for a book I was looking for, explained several products to my husband and attempted to keep my son entertained by striking up a conversation with him. Adrian doesn't take to everyone, he's very particular about who he likes and doesn't like but he warmed up to her almost immediately. I only wish I had gotten her name so I could give her a special shout out.
This is the mug that I just HAD to buy. I always have to have a spoon in my coffee, tea, or hot cocoa and I loved that this came with it's own little matching stirrer. I even saved the ribbon so I can keep them together when I'm not using them.
I saw a fabulous review of this book thanks to ABroomandTheMoon on YouTube and just had to pick it up for myself in honour of our furry little addition soon to come.
Unfortunately during the big power outage at the end of October I had to use up my moon phase candles so I bought some new ones.
The light pink will be the First Quarter Moon and is infused with Rose, Honeysuckle and Magnolia and is meant to be used to Manifest a Miracle which I thought went perfectly with the maiden phase of the moon.
The peach candle will be the Full Moon candle. It is infused with Orange Blossom, Chamomile, and Vanilla and was called Mother and well that's pretty much self-explanatory.
The brown candle will be the Last Quarter Moon. It is infused with Honey, Rosemary and Honeysuckle. It's meant to be used for Problem Solving, something we all know crones are fabulous for.
I'll be sure and post pictures after they are properly inscribed which I will be doing on the New Moon since that's a good time for meditation and reflection.
Blessed Be!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A letter to Pagans
For some reason during my dreams in the middle of the night my brain forms revelations. They may not be revelations for others, but for me it's a sense of all the cogs locking into their proper place on a subject I didn't even realize I was contemplating.
For some reason Christians (at least the ones I've encountered, obviously I can't speak for all) believe or are taught that Pagan's worship the devil. I know that's silly, you know that's silly, but for them it's the only thing that makes logical sense. You try to help them see differently but everything you say is just fruit of the same poisonous tree. You worship the devil so everything you say is wrong, or a lie, and you're simply sent to try to tempt them away from their convictions and to weaken their faith.
What most of us try to do is enlighten them to the fact that we don't even believe the devil exists. How can we worship something we don't believe in. The response I've always heard is "Satan's best trick is convincing you he doesn't exist". At this moment is where I've had my revelation. I think what's really happening is a theological language barrier. I really believe that when we tell them "I don't believe in Satan", they hear "I don't believe evil exists", and that's simply not true.
Now instead of assuming that we're outright animal sacrificing devil worshippers, we become something much more dangerous and naive. They believe we walk around with a free for all attitude and with no moral compass. We don't believe in sin so therefore we think all behavior is acceptable and since we don't answer to God we have nothing to make us feel remorse when we've hurt someone or done something wrong.
Oh how wrong they are. Of course we believe evil exists and of course we know the difference between right and wrong. We just don't think a finger can be pointed at specific being when we do something wrong, unless we're pointing that finger at ourselves. When we've hurt someone it's not because we were weak and taken over by Satan. We put the full responsibility and blame on our own shoulders. We know that it's happened not because of a weakness in faith but because of a weakness in our compassion and empathy. We believe this is something we should atone for not because someone's wagging a heavenly finger at us but because we know how it feels to be hurt and wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Sometimes this is purely unintentional but we still work and try to make it right.
Just as I can't speak for all Christians I also can't speak for all Pagans. I can't say we're all moral, upstanding, compassionate people. We're as different as the rest of the world regardless of religious affiliation. I can however speak for myself. I don't believe in Satan but I do believe in evil (some simply call it negative energy). I also believe that as in the great balance of life, there is evil inside of all of us. That snarky comment we could stop from floating to the surface of our consciousness, a sense of uncontrolled satisfaction at seeing someone we don't care for fail, and while I acknowledge and embrace it as part of my being, I put it's energy to other uses. If I don't like the way someone behaves I take that evil seed of unacceptance and allow it to blossom into wisdom by meditating on why it bothers me so much, and how I can use it to become a better person.
So I guess this is a letter to both Christians and Pagans alike. To the Christian's yes we understand the difference between right and wrong, even without your God. To the Pagan's simply try to understand that they've simply given their evil a name, and they think by denying the name they've given we deny the existence of it's force.
See, it's simply a theoligical language barrier.
For some reason Christians (at least the ones I've encountered, obviously I can't speak for all) believe or are taught that Pagan's worship the devil. I know that's silly, you know that's silly, but for them it's the only thing that makes logical sense. You try to help them see differently but everything you say is just fruit of the same poisonous tree. You worship the devil so everything you say is wrong, or a lie, and you're simply sent to try to tempt them away from their convictions and to weaken their faith.
What most of us try to do is enlighten them to the fact that we don't even believe the devil exists. How can we worship something we don't believe in. The response I've always heard is "Satan's best trick is convincing you he doesn't exist". At this moment is where I've had my revelation. I think what's really happening is a theological language barrier. I really believe that when we tell them "I don't believe in Satan", they hear "I don't believe evil exists", and that's simply not true.
Now instead of assuming that we're outright animal sacrificing devil worshippers, we become something much more dangerous and naive. They believe we walk around with a free for all attitude and with no moral compass. We don't believe in sin so therefore we think all behavior is acceptable and since we don't answer to God we have nothing to make us feel remorse when we've hurt someone or done something wrong.
Oh how wrong they are. Of course we believe evil exists and of course we know the difference between right and wrong. We just don't think a finger can be pointed at specific being when we do something wrong, unless we're pointing that finger at ourselves. When we've hurt someone it's not because we were weak and taken over by Satan. We put the full responsibility and blame on our own shoulders. We know that it's happened not because of a weakness in faith but because of a weakness in our compassion and empathy. We believe this is something we should atone for not because someone's wagging a heavenly finger at us but because we know how it feels to be hurt and wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Sometimes this is purely unintentional but we still work and try to make it right.
Just as I can't speak for all Christians I also can't speak for all Pagans. I can't say we're all moral, upstanding, compassionate people. We're as different as the rest of the world regardless of religious affiliation. I can however speak for myself. I don't believe in Satan but I do believe in evil (some simply call it negative energy). I also believe that as in the great balance of life, there is evil inside of all of us. That snarky comment we could stop from floating to the surface of our consciousness, a sense of uncontrolled satisfaction at seeing someone we don't care for fail, and while I acknowledge and embrace it as part of my being, I put it's energy to other uses. If I don't like the way someone behaves I take that evil seed of unacceptance and allow it to blossom into wisdom by meditating on why it bothers me so much, and how I can use it to become a better person.
So I guess this is a letter to both Christians and Pagans alike. To the Christian's yes we understand the difference between right and wrong, even without your God. To the Pagan's simply try to understand that they've simply given their evil a name, and they think by denying the name they've given we deny the existence of it's force.
See, it's simply a theoligical language barrier.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Good Reading
Here are two fabulous articles very much worth reading.
Living Pagan
Pagans, gays, acceptance make church community grow
(this is so inspiring)
Enjoy and Blessed Be! )O(
Living Pagan
Pagans, gays, acceptance make church community grow
(this is so inspiring)
Enjoy and Blessed Be! )O(
Monday, November 14, 2011
I am definitely looking forward to Pixar's new animated film Brave. This looks like a fabulous movie to take your little Witchlets to or maybe just go yourself. My son's a hit or a miss in a theatre so I might just go with my husband and enjoy it just the two of us. We can always rent it to watch with him later. Summer of 2012 is looking to be a very good season for movies.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Snow White and the Huntsman
This movie looks fabulous. While it seems to stray from the original story and has Snow White and the Huntsman fall in love I don't care and am actually excited. The Huntsman always played a small but much more interesting role than the Prince and it will be good to see his character fully realized. Not to mention, Princes are an utter cliche and lets admit it ladies as daughters of the Goddess wouldn't we all rather end up with a huntsman anyways.
Friday, November 11, 2011

Just disgusting!
Today I read an article from the Huffington post about two ladies who lured a man into their home for a "Satanic Sex Stabbing". Now I'm not a satanist, and I don't know anyone personally who is. However I've read enough about Anton Levey that I know he doesn't preach this stuff. Satanists believe your only god should be yourself, Essentially they worship vanity and self pleasure and believe the only sin is stupidity. They don't tell you to sacrifice people or stab them repeatedly during sex.
What bothers me further is with the very narrow scope most people outside of the Pagan community have they're going to see the words Satanic and Occult and say to themselves "I knew all those Pagan's were devil worshippers".
I don't even honestly believe these women, or the one that the finger was pointed at rather, really believe they are practicing any sort of religion. Obviously they're touched in the head and they probably concocted and acted out this plan to satisfy some sort of sick sexual urge they both shared. Everyone who gets a yen for some kinky violent sex likes to label themselves as Satanic, as if somehow that just explains everything.
What bothers me further is with the very narrow scope most people outside of the Pagan community have they're going to see the words Satanic and Occult and say to themselves "I knew all those Pagan's were devil worshippers".
I don't even honestly believe these women, or the one that the finger was pointed at rather, really believe they are practicing any sort of religion. Obviously they're touched in the head and they probably concocted and acted out this plan to satisfy some sort of sick sexual urge they both shared. Everyone who gets a yen for some kinky violent sex likes to label themselves as Satanic, as if somehow that just explains everything.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wildcrafting Rosehips

Rosehips are rich in Vitamin C and are good for all manner of things from jelly to wine and tea. Roses themselves are edible and are related to such fruits as apples and plums. The rosehips themselves actually taste somewhat like apple. Unlike apples however there isn't much flesh to these small red beauties so the more you have the better. After the rose blossom begins to die the green hip (hypanthium) begins to swell. This is found at the base of the rose blossom and turns red when it is ripe beginning in approximately mid September depending on your area.
Magickal Uses for Rosehips:
- Love
- Psychic Powers
- Healing
- Divination
- Luck
- Protection
- Calling Good Spirits
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Young Witches of Salem Ep.2
This episode introduced an interesting concept of combining magic (as in stage magic) with magick (as in the art) and featured guest star Daniel Greenwolf who is a second generation Wiccan. The first trick he showed was the disappearing paper trick which as he said can be used for releasing negativity and banishing. I do have to say though that I've been doing this for years as a simple ritual to release a spell into the universe.
They all still seemed pretty immature except for Foxglove who was new. I really liked her and she seemed to be the most self contained and articulate Young Witch of the group. They have an interview between her and the author of the Night Circus but the background audio needed to be filtered out and I couldn't really understand what they were saying.
The last thing I wanted to comment on, was a rather irritating ramble from Caitlin Rose about the evils of consumerism, and how money doesn't mean anything. Hun you're holding a coffee, obviously money means something to you because you bought that coffee with money, That is unless your prepared to tell everyone you bartered for it which I doubt. Your clothes were purchased with money, think before you open your mouth. In the last episode you said you wanted to be a role model and be the change in the world that you wanted to see. Well part of that is living up to your beliefs. Sorry that just really annoyed me.
Has anyone else been watching the show, what do you think? Here's Episode Two if your interested in watching it.
They all still seemed pretty immature except for Foxglove who was new. I really liked her and she seemed to be the most self contained and articulate Young Witch of the group. They have an interview between her and the author of the Night Circus but the background audio needed to be filtered out and I couldn't really understand what they were saying.
The last thing I wanted to comment on, was a rather irritating ramble from Caitlin Rose about the evils of consumerism, and how money doesn't mean anything. Hun you're holding a coffee, obviously money means something to you because you bought that coffee with money, That is unless your prepared to tell everyone you bartered for it which I doubt. Your clothes were purchased with money, think before you open your mouth. In the last episode you said you wanted to be a role model and be the change in the world that you wanted to see. Well part of that is living up to your beliefs. Sorry that just really annoyed me.
Has anyone else been watching the show, what do you think? Here's Episode Two if your interested in watching it.
Young Witches of Salem Ep.1
The first episode focuses on introducing each of the main characters and guest stars Therese Pendragon who practices with none other than Laurie Cabot.
I have to say while I do appreciate the effort and the thoughts behind the show.. it was a little silly. None of them seemed to be very serious about their craft and while laughter, fun, and frivolity should be a natural part of every day life when you're trying to help the world understand that you belong to a real religious practice giggling and looking at the wall and your shoes throughout your interview is not going to get anyone to take you seriously.
Also I can't say that I liked the plugs for Silver Ravenwolf. She writes fluffy books filled with misinformation (except for the information she borrows from others). It's hard to find someone believable when they are crediting her with helping them to find their path.
I appreciated Therese's opinions and knowledge . Especially the emphasis she puts on learning. I feel being part of being a Witch is the willingness to constantly learn and evolve just as the earth itself does but I didn't find her to be a very convincing speaker (I didn't think any of them were for that matter). The questions they asked and were asked themselves were fluffy and there didn't seem to be a lot of maturity.
Finally someone ends the show with saying that there is a Harry Potter and he's your next door neighbor. I understand they're trying to convey the impression that Witches are everywhere and you may never even know who is one, but when you're trying to dispel the myths surrounding your faith don't compare it to a fictionalized character who has no connection WHATSOEVER to real craft practice.
I'm going to try to keep up with the show and hopefully as they become more comfortable and confident behind the camera it will get better but we'll see.
Here's Episode One if you're interested in watching yourself.
I have to say while I do appreciate the effort and the thoughts behind the show.. it was a little silly. None of them seemed to be very serious about their craft and while laughter, fun, and frivolity should be a natural part of every day life when you're trying to help the world understand that you belong to a real religious practice giggling and looking at the wall and your shoes throughout your interview is not going to get anyone to take you seriously.
Also I can't say that I liked the plugs for Silver Ravenwolf. She writes fluffy books filled with misinformation (except for the information she borrows from others). It's hard to find someone believable when they are crediting her with helping them to find their path.
I appreciated Therese's opinions and knowledge . Especially the emphasis she puts on learning. I feel being part of being a Witch is the willingness to constantly learn and evolve just as the earth itself does but I didn't find her to be a very convincing speaker (I didn't think any of them were for that matter). The questions they asked and were asked themselves were fluffy and there didn't seem to be a lot of maturity.
Finally someone ends the show with saying that there is a Harry Potter and he's your next door neighbor. I understand they're trying to convey the impression that Witches are everywhere and you may never even know who is one, but when you're trying to dispel the myths surrounding your faith don't compare it to a fictionalized character who has no connection WHATSOEVER to real craft practice.
I'm going to try to keep up with the show and hopefully as they become more comfortable and confident behind the camera it will get better but we'll see.
Here's Episode One if you're interested in watching yourself.
Samhain Wrap-Up
In the interests of keeping everything condensed here is a series of articles I've found and wanted to share with you as kind of a wrap up of everything Samhain considering I wasn't able to post anything for the past week. I hope you enjoy the read!
Halloween 2011: Taming the Demons, Devils, and Pumpkins
(This is just plain silly)
A Scarecrow's origin may surprise you
Witchcraft in Williams Townships, a history of the good and evil
Listen Up, 'Sabrina' -- Real-Life Wiccans Speak
Also I'll be getting myself caught up on the Young Witches of Salem so I'll be sure to let you all know what I think soon.
Halloween 2011: Taming the Demons, Devils, and Pumpkins
(This is just plain silly)
A Scarecrow's origin may surprise you
Witchcraft in Williams Townships, a history of the good and evil
Listen Up, 'Sabrina' -- Real-Life Wiccans Speak
Also I'll be getting myself caught up on the Young Witches of Salem so I'll be sure to let you all know what I think soon.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Delay From Momma Nature
Well this is the first I've had power since last Saturday so I'm a little behind in everything. Mother Nature walloped us with one bitch of snow storm that was totally unexpected and there were power lines down everywhere.

I hope everyone had a festive Samhain. Did anyone have any supernatural experiences? I spent it contemplating how much more work goes into every day life when you don't have the convenience of electricity which I feel is fitting since that's how our ancestors lived. Adrian's trick-or-treating was rescheduled until tonight but I don't think he knew or cared that it was on the wrong day.
I've got a few updates to post and some good articles to tell you about so bare with me and I'll catch up soon. Something you may notice soon is a lot of visual changes to the page, I'm someone who likes to flow with the seasons and as Samhain is now over I will be changing things up and getting myself in the mood for Yule. I hope you enjoy the changes to come and as always you feedback is welcome. Blessed Be!

I hope everyone had a festive Samhain. Did anyone have any supernatural experiences? I spent it contemplating how much more work goes into every day life when you don't have the convenience of electricity which I feel is fitting since that's how our ancestors lived. Adrian's trick-or-treating was rescheduled until tonight but I don't think he knew or cared that it was on the wrong day.
I've got a few updates to post and some good articles to tell you about so bare with me and I'll catch up soon. Something you may notice soon is a lot of visual changes to the page, I'm someone who likes to flow with the seasons and as Samhain is now over I will be changing things up and getting myself in the mood for Yule. I hope you enjoy the changes to come and as always you feedback is welcome. Blessed Be!
Friday, October 28, 2011
American Horror Story 4
It's Halloween !!
Wednesday's episode Halloween part 1 was amazing. First of let me just say that I LOVED Zachary Quinto as Chad, and I hope his character sticks around. Secondly Thank You AHS for including the accurate history of Samhain. That little scene made me appreciate and respect the show so much more. It's always nice when they put in the effort to make things historically accurate.
**Spoiler Alert** Now while I did feel really bad for Hayden I was kind of hoping that would be the end of her but in a show where the dead are constant characters I guess you can't really expect that. I still think Tate is a Ghost and the only reason he was able to walk among everyone else was because it was Halloween/ Samhain. Also did anyone else come up with the theory that the kicking that Vivien felt was that of the miscarried baby since it was able to "come back" for the night so to speak. I thought the scene with with Moira and her mother was very touching and sad and part of me wonders if Chad and Pat wanted Ben to take down the Gazebo so she could be free. I like that they are continuing to explain the history of the house and the first residents, and I wonder what's going to come of the Frankenstein like laboratory that was in the basement, and why Tate has such an obvious attachment to it.
On a slightly different topic I feel very sorry for Addy, all she wanted was to be a pretty girl for one night and it was over. Something tells me though that we haven't seen the last of her.
Something my husband keeps asking is "Who is the black condom!" but along with that he's also come up with a very interesting and insightful theory on what it is. Perhaps it's the physical manifestation of the darkness within the house. So with all of those questions and the huge cliff hanger they left us with I can not wait to tune in next Wednesday!
Gaia Consot - The Scyth
Here is another amazing song from Gaia Consort that beautifully represents the sabbat of Samhain as the final harvest. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The End
A lonely widow offers help to what seems like a sweet and harmless stranger but finds he's much more than he appears to be
“I don’t know why I still do this” she said aloud to herself. Maggie was seventy-eight now and as long as she had lived in her own home she had always hung her laundry on sunny days. It was September now and almost time for the leaves to turn. As she clipped the last clothes pin she heard her elbow joint crack. Lowering her arm she sighed, everything cracked lately. At least outside she could hear noises besides the cracking, everything was too quiet inside. More and more lately she found herself leaving on the television for companionship. The only friend she had anymore was the stray tabby that started hanging around a few weeks ago, but he only came for the food.
Rubbing her elbow she slowly walked back to the house, knocking over the dish of food that sat by the back door on the way in. “Great, now I’m getting clumsy too.” She could hear the phone ringing and began to walk a little faster. When she and Calvin first moved in the house was perfect for them, now with no one around but her it seemed to be growing and the telephone was farther away than ever.
Walking down the hallway she thought about whom it might be and before she even picked up the receiver, she knew.
“Hello Dear” she said.
“How did you know it was me?”
“It’s always you” she laughed. Since Jack and Jenna left for school her daughter seemed to be filling her empty nest with telephone calls.
“Sorry I’m so predictable.”
“You get it from your father.” Maggie could almost feel the tension on the other end. It had been over a year now and Diane still wasn’t able to talk about him.
“Are you still there?”
“Yeah, sorry, your voice sounds funny Mom are you okay?”
“I’m fine; my chest just feels a little tight.”
“Again, what did the doctor say about it?”
“I didn’t see the doctor.”
“What? You promised.”
“Diane I’m an adult I can take care of myself.” She instantly regretted snapping at her daughter but couldn't help but be fed up with the babying.
“I’m sorry honey; I’ll make an appointment for next week, all right.” The line was quiet for a while and Maggie wondered if she should change the subject.
“I don’t want to lose you too.” Her heart broke at the sound of her voice; she sounded eight years old again.
Diane cleared her throat on the other end, “well I’m going to go throw a load of laundry in, I’ll probably talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay baby, I love you.”
“I love you too Mom.”
Maggie hung up the phone to the sound of her husband’s voice in her head I don’t like this Mags, I don’t like our little girl living so far away...... (click for my entire short story)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Season Of Sprits
Samhain is thought of as one of the times of the year when the veil between this world and the next is at it's thinnest. Many people take this time to go ghost "hunting" and share stories of those who have passed on but still linger in the land of the living.
Every region has it's local legends and ghost stories and I thought I would share a few from my home state of Massachusetts.
There is the infamous Rock-a-Dundee Rd in Hamden where everything is said to have happened from a mass teen suicide to the untimely death of a small child.
The bizarre tale of Demonic possession that took place in Warren that is said to have several credible witnesses.
The famous Lizzie Borden House in Fall River which was even visited by SyFy's Ghost Hunters
Last but not least Salem with it's terrible history of hangings, voodoo, curses, and deceit.
Haunted tales abound and if you live in the area and are interested in doing a little ghost hunting of your own visit Shadowlands for an extensive list of haunted locations.
If you visit any of these places please tell us all about your experience!
Every region has it's local legends and ghost stories and I thought I would share a few from my home state of Massachusetts.
There is the infamous Rock-a-Dundee Rd in Hamden where everything is said to have happened from a mass teen suicide to the untimely death of a small child.
The bizarre tale of Demonic possession that took place in Warren that is said to have several credible witnesses.
The famous Lizzie Borden House in Fall River which was even visited by SyFy's Ghost Hunters
Last but not least Salem with it's terrible history of hangings, voodoo, curses, and deceit.
Haunted tales abound and if you live in the area and are interested in doing a little ghost hunting of your own visit Shadowlands for an extensive list of haunted locations.
If you visit any of these places please tell us all about your experience!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Interesting Information
Thanks to a wonderful post on Myriad's Blog I have a bit of an update for you.
The Pagan Occupancy of D.C. is most definitely a go and is taking place on Halloween Eve from Noon to five.
I would also like to correct myself, I believe I stated in my previous post that I didn't believe any one considered lady liberty to be a Goddess. Well I stand corrected apparently some view her as a modern day Goddess. I guess you learn something new every day.
On a lighter note I read an interesting article over at Martha'svinyard.patch.com and thought I would share it with you all.
Have a blessed Monday Evening. )O(
The Pagan Occupancy of D.C. is most definitely a go and is taking place on Halloween Eve from Noon to five.
I would also like to correct myself, I believe I stated in my previous post that I didn't believe any one considered lady liberty to be a Goddess. Well I stand corrected apparently some view her as a modern day Goddess. I guess you learn something new every day.
On a lighter note I read an interesting article over at Martha'svinyard.patch.com and thought I would share it with you all.
Have a blessed Monday Evening. )O(
Once Upon A Time Pilot
Did anyone watch last night? I really enjoyed it. I appreciate the main character Emma and her ballsy attitude which is slightly tempered by her clear vulnerability, and I like Henry and find him to be sweet and precocious without being to cheesy or cliched. I found Snow White and the Prince to be a little simpering for my taste but considering who they are I believe that comes with the territory.
I'm a little confused as to why Rumpelstiltskin owns the town when he said in his jail cell that it would even be prison for him but perhaps he's worked out some kind of deal with the Queen. I guess I'll have to keep watching and find out.
If you missed the First episode and would like to catch it on line visit:
I'm a little confused as to why Rumpelstiltskin owns the town when he said in his jail cell that it would even be prison for him but perhaps he's worked out some kind of deal with the Queen. I guess I'll have to keep watching and find out.
If you missed the First episode and would like to catch it on line visit:
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Once Upon A Time

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